2000 >> November >> My Science Fair Project  

My Science Fair Project
by Greg Ceccherelli

Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", November 2000, page 32

Pin Type Glass 
Insulators and 
Drip Points

There is a lot of debate among insulator collectors as to whether or not drip points actually do anything.

Some collectors say that they work. Most collectors think it was a gimmick used to sell more insulators.

I decided to find out. . .

One night I was playing with an insulator under the faucet and noticed that the water was not dripping off the drip points. Instead it was dripping between the drip points. I found this odd because from what my dad had told me about drip points, I expected that the water would drip off the point of the drip points. After all, they are called drip POINTS.

Since there was a science fair coming up at my school, I decided to make drip points on glass insulators the subject of my project.

My test procedure was the following:


Use identical insulators, one with and one without drip points. In my experiment I used clear Hemingray-19s (CD 162), one with and one without drip points. (See Photo 1.)


One side of the Ohm meter is connected to the pin. The other side is attached to the wire groove. The purpose of this is to measure the electrical resistance of the insulator, the higher, the better. (See Photo 2a. and Photo 2b.)


Spray Windex, which is conductive on the insulator. I used Windex because it evaporates quickly and it leaves no residue. (See Photo 3.)


Measure the electrical resistance as the Windex evaporates. I measured the resistance of the insulator under test every 30 seconds until the resistance was above 20 megaOhms, which is the most my meter can measure.


Repeat the test six times for each insulator.


Average the results and graph the data. (See Figure 2. and Figure 3.)

Photo 1. Greg holds two ice green CD 162 Hemingray-19 signals which he is about to subject to his tests. One has drip points, the other a smooth base.

Photo 2a. A wooden side pin is mounted on a piece of wood. A piece of copper wire is wrapped around the threads of the pin and connected to the pin electrode.

Photo 2b. With the insulator placed on the wooden peg wrapped with copper wire, Greg wraps a second piece of copper wire around the wire groove on the insulator. He then attaches it to the insulator electrode leading to the Ohm meter.

Photo 3. With the electrodes in place and meter turned on, Greg sprays the surface of the test insulator with Windex.

Greg proudly shows his full display at the science fair which he enhanced with some early Hemingray ads extolling the virtues of the drip points on their products and several colorful, eye-appealing purple, carnival and aqua pieces. And, his work received 3rd Place at the fair!

Greg sent along this photo of him learning to rock climb. He is attached to the red rope (center of picture) while his father (in white) keeps a watchful eye on his son from the ledge below. Repelling is much safer than telephone pole climbing, Greg, which should be left to the experts.


My data shows that drip points do make a difference. Insulators with drip points have a higher resistance while they dry. This means less electricity is being wasted down the poles.

I didn't specifically test the insulators in simulated rain or fog. But I noticed that the resistance was similar for both the dripped and non-dripped versions when they were dripping wet with Windex. My guess is that during rain and fog the drip points don't really make a difference. After rain and fog, while the insulators are drying, the drip points made a difference.

(For those parents who have been through the "science project" years or anticipate their coming in the future will certainly join me in saying that Greg's efforts must be commended.)

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